What sets Southwest Call Center’s service apart from other Telephone Answering Companies?

We are committed to responding to your customers courteously and empathetically at all times no matter what time of the day it is.

How long has Southwest Call Center provided inbound call center services?

Since 1993.

Does Southwest Call Center support 24 hour, 7-day a week operations?

Yes, Southwest Call Center never closes for business.  We are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year!

What happens to your system during an emergency?

We take disaster events very seriously and we understand our ability to operate during these times is critical to the success and continuation of your business.  With our redundant network, we have procedures in place that ensure continued operations during the event of a disaster. We review, test and update, as necessary, these processes several times a year.

Do you have reserve staffing available for immediate response to spikes in call volume?

Our call center supervisors monitor call activity on a real-time basis and determine when additional personnel need to be on the phone.  If additional personnel are needed, our management staff willanswer calls and, call additional personnel if necessary.

What if my call processing instructions or script changes? How do I communicate changes to Southwest Call Center?

Simply contact any of our supervisors or managers to discuss the changes that need to be made.  Once we receive your new instructions, we will update your client profile and provide a copy for you to review.  Once you’ve agreed to the changes, we then train all of our representatives on the new instructions.

Will you answer the phones with my company name?

Yes.  We provide each of our clients with their own telephone number.  You use this number to forward your incoming calls to or just begin giving that number out as your business number (if you want to).  Your Southwest Call Center telephone number allows our representatives to know who is calling and how to properly answer that call, as well as view all instructions and information about your company.  In many cases, your callers won’t know it isn’t your company answering the phone.